Cigar Box Guitars

The birth of the cigar-box guitar is connected with the sad history of black people working on the cotton fields of Southern United States, when despite the pain and misery of their poor condition as slave, they created the magic sound of the Blues.

Having nothing for them, sometimes not even food, with a desire to escape from reality, they invented this poor essential instrument from recycled materials.

Thus, a simple little box of cigar, thrown away by the “master”, became the small sounding box of their guitar, with a piece of wood for the neck, and some makeshift material for the sad songs of slaves.

From this, we took inspiration to create our Cigar-box, an always different and unique instrument done with recycled materials carrying with themselves the sound and the spirit of the Blues.

The Cigar-Box has been the first product created by Nadar Guitars and to this simple but very significant instrument for the history of music we still pay particular attention whishing to celebrate the spirit of freedom, equality and respect behind its sound.

Stronlgy believing in these values Nadar Guitars condemns slavery in every form.